The Power of
Without electricity, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now. This would not be due to your laptop shutting down, but because your brain is powered by the electricity that you create.
Your remarkable brain contains about 100 billion microscopic cells called neurons — that’s over 10 times as many as the population of the world!
Whenever you dream, laugh, think, see, or move, it’s because tiny chemical and electrical signals are racing between these neurons along billions of tiny neuron highways.
The activity in your brain never stops. Each day, your neurons create and send more messages than all the phones in the entire world. A single neuron generates only a tiny amount of electricity, but all of your neurons together can generate enough electricity to power a low-wattage bulb.

Your Brain
Migraine is far more than ‘just a bad headache’ – it is a neurological condition where the nerves in the brain become hyperactive and ignite a burst of electrical activity in the nerve cells, launching a cascade of events.
So, what exactly is happening in the brain to create such an excruciating storm of pain? In the latest clinical evidence, it is now clear that migraine starts with at least one trigger that doesn’t bother the typical brain — this could be stress, lack of sleep, hunger, or dehydration, amongst many others.
These triggers then cause hyperexcitability in certain areas of the brain, and it is this response that stops the brain from being able to control its electrical activity in a normal manner. This results in the electrical system misfiring and behaving erratically.
The consequence of this is a change in the level of blood flowing in and around the brain. This leads to the blood vessels become inflamed, which causes throbbing pain alongside other potential symptoms, such as nausea and sensitivity to light.
Unfortunately, migraine attacks can become more frequent over time as the brain rewires itself by creating new neural pathways.
In effect, the brain learns how to have migraine attacks.
When You Learn, You RE-TRAIN Your Brain
Riding a bike, or driving a car, seems to be impossible when you first try. So, how do you master it?
As you practice, your brain sends electrical messages along certain pathways of neurons over and over, which forms new connections. In fact, the structure and electrical pathways of your brain change constantly as you learn and process any new memories.
This is called plasticity, as the brain remodels itself based on any type of stimulus or input.
Researchers believe that it takes 2-8 months to make a new habit or break an old one. Imagine if the same could be done to treat migraine!
By using neuromodulation, we can train our brain to make these new connections and edge closer to the pre-migraine neural function. It is a fact that neuromodulation has been used for many years in numerous conditions (such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and pain management) with great success, and is now becoming more common in the migraine world.

The Relivion neuromodulation therapy harnesses the power of electricity to calm the neurological storm and provide a new, drug-free treatment for your migraine.
This cutting-edge wearable technology applies a gentle electric current directly to the trigeminal nerves above the eyes and the occipital nerves at the back of the head which are directly associated with brain regions that inhibit pain and suppress the migraine storm.
The Relivion device also collects information about your treatment, environment, and other external factors to provide insights directly to your physician to optimize your migraine care.
Over time this highly targeted neuromodulation will help to normalize the brains electrical pathways and reduce your pain levels and migraine symptoms.